



# **Guardian SDK**

**Guardian SDK** is a powerful toolkit designed for developers building decentralized applications (DApps) on the Solana blockchain. It integrates essential features such as smart contract auditing, fraud detection, decentralized dispute resolution, token management, and rewards. This SDK enables seamless interaction with Solana's blockchain and provides advanced AI-powered tools for auditing contracts, detecting fraud in real-time, and resolving disputes.

## **Table of Contents**

- [Introduction](#introduction)

- [Features](#features)

- [System Requirements](#system-requirements)

- [Installation](#installation)

- [Configuration](#configuration)

- [Usage](#usage)

- [Connecting to Solana](#connecting-to-solana)

- [Managing SPL Tokens](#managing-spl-tokens)

- [Smart Contract Auditing](#smart-contract-auditing)

- [Fraud Detection](#fraud-detection)

- [Decentralized Dispute Resolution](#decentralized-dispute-resolution)

- [Rewarding Participants](#rewarding-participants)

- [Integration with a DApp](#integration-with-a-dapp)

- [Contributing](#contributing)

- [License](#license)

## **Introduction**

The **Guardian SDK** allows developers to easily integrate powerful features into their Solana-based DApps. The SDK offers a comprehensive suite of tools, including:

- **Smart Contract Auditing**: Analyze smart contracts for vulnerabilities using AI.

- **Real-Time Fraud Detection**: Detect and flag suspicious activity in real-time.

- **Decentralized Dispute Resolution**: Implement decentralized voting or AI-driven decisions for conflict resolution.

- **SPL Token Management**: Mint, transfer, and burn SPL tokens on Solana.

- **Rewards System**: Reward users with Solana or custom SPL tokens for contributions.

The SDK is designed to be modular, allowing developers to pick and choose the features they need.

## **Features**

- **Solana Blockchain Interface**: Interact with Solana blockchain for account management and transactions.

- **SPL Token Management**: Easily manage SPL tokens, including creation, transfer, and burning.

- **AI-Powered Smart Contract Auditing**: Analyze smart contracts for security vulnerabilities using pre-trained machine learning models.

- **Real-Time Fraud Detection**: Identify and flag fraudulent transactions using machine learning models.

- **Decentralized Dispute Resolution**: Use decentralized voting or AI-based decision-making to resolve disputes.

- **Reward System**: Distribute Solana or SPL tokens as rewards.

## **System Requirements**

To use this SDK, you'll need:

- **Node.js** (v14 or higher)

- **Solana CLI**: To interact with the Solana blockchain.

- **TensorFlow.js** (for machine learning models used in smart contract auditing and fraud detection).

- **Hugging Face Transformers** (for NLP-based dispute resolution).

### **Dependencies**:

- `@solana/web3.js`

- `@solana/spl-token`

- `@tensorflow/tfjs-node`

- `@huggingface/transformers`

## **Installation**

1. Clone the repository or download the ZIP file.

2. Navigate to the project folder and run the following command to install dependencies:


npm install


3. If you're using machine learning models for contract auditing or fraud detection, ensure you have the models saved locally (the SDK expects them at `./models/contractAuditModel` and `./models/fraudDetectionModel`).

## **Configuration**

1. Ensure your Solana CLI is properly configured to interact with the correct network (e.g., `devnet` or `mainnet`).

2. If you're using the AI-powered features (smart contract auditing or fraud detection), ensure you have access to the pre-trained models and place them in the correct directories.

3. The SDK can be customized to use different AI models, modify the `loadModel` paths in the relevant modules.

## **Usage**

### **Connecting to Solana**

The SDK provides an easy way to interact with Solana’s blockchain. You can create accounts, check balances, and send transactions.


const Solana = require('./modules/solana');

const solana = new Solana('devnet'); // Connect to Solana devnet

const solanaAccount = await solana.createAccount();

console.log('Account Created:', solanaAccount.publicKey.toString());

const balance = await solana.getBalance(solanaAccount.publicKey);

console.log('Account Balance:', balance);

// Sending a transaction

await solana.sendTransaction(solanaAccount, 'recipientPublicKey', 0.5);


### **Managing SPL Tokens**

You can create, transfer, and burn SPL tokens using the `SPLToken` module.


const SPLToken = require('./modules/splToken');

const splToken = new SPLToken(solana.connection);

const { token, userTokenAccount } = await splToken.createToken(solanaAccount, 1000);

console.log('Created SPL Token with address:', token.publicKey.toString());

// Transfer tokens

await splToken.transferTokens(userTokenAccount, 'recipientPublicKey', token, 500);

console.log('500 tokens transferred.');

// Burn tokens

await splToken.burnTokens(userTokenAccount, token, 200);

console.log('200 tokens burned.');


### **Smart Contract Auditing**

Audit smart contracts using AI models for vulnerabilities like reentrancy or overflow. This uses a pre-trained model stored locally.


const SmartContractAuditing = require('./modules/smartContractAuditing');

const auditing = new SmartContractAuditing('./models/contractAuditModel');

const auditResults = await auditing.runAudit('./contracts/contract.sol');

console.log('Smart Contract Audit Results:', auditResults);


### **Fraud Detection**

Detect real-time fraudulent activities based on transaction patterns using machine learning.


const FraudDetection = require('./modules/fraudDetection');

const fraudDetection = new FraudDetection('./models/fraudDetectionModel');

const fraudResults = await fraudDetection.monitorTransactions({

amount: 1200,

count: 3,

timeframe: 50,


console.log('Fraud Detection Results:', fraudResults);


### **Decentralized Dispute Resolution**

Implement decentralized voting or AI-based decisions to resolve disputes.


const DisputeResolution = require('./modules/disputeResolution');

const disputeResolution = new DisputeResolution();

disputeResolution.createDispute('initiatorPublicKey', 'Dispute details here');

// Resolve using voting or AI

const resolution = await disputeResolution.resolveDisputeWithAI(1);

console.log('Dispute Resolution:', resolution);


### **Rewarding Participants**

Reward users with Solana or SPL tokens for their contributions.


const Rewards = require('./modules/rewards');

const rewards = new Rewards(solana, splToken);

await rewards.rewardWithSolana('userPublicKey', 1);

console.log('1 SOL rewarded to user.');

await rewards.rewardWithSPLToken('userPublicKey', token, 100);

console.log('100 SPL tokens rewarded to user.');


## **Integration with a DApp**

To integrate the Guardian SDK with your DApp:

1. **Install the SDK**: Include the SDK in your DApp’s project.

- Clone the SDK repository or include it as a dependency.

- Run `npm install` to install dependencies.

2. **Connect to Solana**: Initialize the `Solana` instance to interact with the blockchain.

- Ensure your DApp is set up to interact with Solana (e.g., using `@solana/web3.js` for transactions).

3. **Use the SPL Token and Reward System**: Incorporate the SPL token management features to mint and transfer tokens based on user activity in your DApp.

- Example: Reward users for participating in the DApp or completing certain actions.

4. **Integrate Fraud Detection**: Use the fraud detection system to monitor user activity and flag suspicious behavior in real-time.

5. **Deploy Smart Contracts**: Use the contract auditing feature to verify your smart contracts before deploying them on the blockchain.

6. **Dispute Resolution**: Use the decentralized dispute resolution module to resolve user conflicts in your DApp.

## **Contributing**

We welcome contributions to the Guardian SDK! To contribute:

1. Fork the repository.

2. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.

3. Commit your changes and open a pull request.

Please ensure that you write tests for new features and update the documentation as needed.

## **License**

The Guardian SDK is open-source and distributed under the MIT License.


Project Structure



├── src/

│ ├── index.js # Main entry point

│ ├── modules/

│ │ ├── solana.js # Solana blockchain interface

│ │ ├── splToken.js # SPL Token functions (mint, transfer, burn)

│ │ ├── smartContractAuditing.js # AI-powered smart contract auditing (with ML models)

│ │ ├── fraudDetection.js # Real-time fraud detection (with ML models)

│ │ ├── disputeResolution.js # Decentralized dispute resolution with AI or voting

│ │ ├── rewards.js # Reward system (SPL tokens or Solana)

│ ├── utils/

│ │ ├── logger.js # Logger utility for tracking errors and events

│ │ ├── aiUtils.js # Helper functions for AI models

├── README.md # Documentation

├── package.json # Project dependencies and metadata

└── .gitignore # Git ignore file

Solana Blockchain Interface



// src/modules/solana.js

const { Connection, clusterApiUrl, Keypair, PublicKey } = require('@solana/web3.js');

class Solana {

constructor(cluster = 'devnet') {

this.connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl(cluster), 'confirmed');


async getBalance(publicKey) {

const balance = await this.connection.getBalance(new PublicKey(publicKey));

return balance / 1e9; // Convert from lamports to SOL


async createAccount() {

const keypair = Keypair.generate();

return keypair;


async sendTransaction(fromKeypair, toPublicKey, amount) {

const transaction = await this.connection.requestAirdrop(fromKeypair.publicKey, amount * 1e9);

await this.connection.confirmTransaction(transaction);

return transaction;



module.exports = Solana;

SPL Token Integration



// src/modules/splToken.js

const { Token, TOKEN_PROGRAM_ID } = require('@solana/spl-token');

class SPLToken {

constructor(connection) {

this.connection = connection;


async createToken(accountKeypair, mintAmount = 1000) {

const token = await Token.createMint(





9, // Decimal places for the token



const userTokenAccount = await token.getOrCreateAssociatedAccountInfo(accountKeypair.publicKey);

await token.mintTo(userTokenAccount.address, accountKeypair, [], mintAmount);

return { token, userTokenAccount };


async transferTokens(fromAccount, toPublicKey, token, amount) {

const toAccount = await token.getOrCreateAssociatedAccountInfo(new PublicKey(toPublicKey));

await token.transfer(fromAccount.address, toAccount.address, fromAccount, [], amount);

return `Transferred ${amount} tokens to ${toPublicKey}`;


async burnTokens(account, token, amount) {

const accountInfo = await token.getAccountInfo(account);

await token.burn(accountInfo.address, account, [], amount);

return `Burned ${amount} tokens from account`;



module.exports = SPLToken;

Smart Contract Auditing with Ai



// src/modules/smartContractAuditing.js

const fs = require('fs');

const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node');

const path = require('path');

class SmartContractAuditing {

  constructor(modelPath) {

    this.model = null;



  async loadModel(modelPath) {

    this.model = await tf.loadGraphModel(`file://${modelPath}`);


  async auditContract(contractCode) {

    // Convert the contract code to a suitable format for the model (tokenized and padded)

    const inputData = this.preprocessContract(contractCode);

    // Run the model to detect vulnerabilities

    const result = await this.model.predict(inputData);

    const issues = this.postprocessResults(result);

    return issues;


  preprocessContract(contractCode) {

    const tokens = this.tokenize(contractCode);

    const paddedTokens = this.pad(tokens);

    return tf.tensor(paddedTokens);


  postprocessResults(modelOutput) {

    const output = modelOutput.arraySync();

    return this.mapToVulnerabilities(output);


  tokenize(code) {

    return Array.from(code).map(c => c.charCodeAt(0));


  pad(tokens) {

    return tokens.length < 500 ? [...tokens, ...new Array(500 - tokens.length).fill(0)] : tokens.slice(0, 500);


  mapToVulnerabilities(output) {

    return output[0] > 0.5 ? ['Reentrancy vulnerability detected'] : ['No vulnerabilities found'];


  async runAudit(contractPath) {

    const contractCode = fs.readFileSync(contractPath, 'utf8');

    const issues = await this.auditContract(contractCode);

    return issues;



module.exports = SmartContractAuditing;

Real-Time Fraud Detection with AI



// src/modules/fraudDetection.js

const tf = require('@tensorflow/tfjs-node');

class FraudDetection {

constructor(modelPath) {

this.model = null;



async loadModel(modelPath) {

this.model = await tf.loadGraphModel(`file://${modelPath}`);


async detectFraud(transactionData) {

const inputData = this.preprocessTransaction(transactionData);

const result = await this.model.predict(inputData);

const isFraudulent = this.postprocessResults(result);

return isFraudulent;


preprocessTransaction(transactionData) {

return tf.tensor([[






postprocessResults(modelOutput) {

const output = modelOutput.arraySync();

return output[0][0] > 0.5 ? 'Fraud detected' : 'No fraud detected';


async monitorTransactions(transactionData) {

return await this.detectFraud(transactionData);



module.exports = FraudDetection;

Decentralized Dispute Resolution with AI or Voting



// src/modules/disputeResolution.js

const { pipeline } = require('@huggingface/transformers');

class DisputeResolution {

  constructor() {

    this.disputes = [];

    this.model = null;



  async loadModel() {

    this.model = await pipeline('zero-shot-classification', 'facebook/bart-large-mnli');


  createDispute(initiator, details) {

    const dispute = {

      id: this.disputes.length + 1,



      status: 'pending',



    return `Dispute created with ID ${dispute.id}`;


  async resolveDisputeWithAI(disputeId) {

    const dispute = this.disputes.find(d => d.id === disputeId);

    if (!dispute) {

      return `Dispute ID ${disputeId} not found`;


    const result = await this.model(dispute.details, ['resolved', 'rejected', 'pending']);

    return `Dispute ${disputeId} resolved with outcome: ${result.label}`;


  resolveDisputeWithVoting(disputeId) {

    const disputeVotes = this.votes.filter(v => v.disputeId === disputeId);

    const votes = disputeVotes.reduce((acc, vote) => {

      acc[vote.vote] = (acc[vote.vote] || 0) + 1;

      return acc;

    }, {});

    const outcome = votes['yes'] > votes['no'] ? 'Resolved in favor of the initiator' : 'Resolved against the initiator';

    return `Dispute ${disputeId} resolved with outcome: ${outcome}`;


  getDisputes() {

    return this.disputes;



module.exports = DisputeResolution;

Reward System



// src/modules/rewards.js

class Rewards {

constructor(solanaInstance, splTokenInstance) {

this.solana = solanaInstance;

this.splToken = splTokenInstance;


async rewardWithSolana(userPublicKey, amount) {

return await this.solana.sendTransaction(this.solana.createAccount(), userPublicKey, amount);


async rewardWithSPLToken(userPublicKey, token, amount) {

return await this.splToken.transferTokens(token, userPublicKey, amount);



module.exports = Rewards;

Logger Utility



// src/utils/logger.js

class Logger {

static log(message) {

console.log(`[INFO]: ${message}`);


static error(message) {

console.error(`[ERROR]: ${message}`);


static warn(message) {

console.warn(`[WARN]: ${message}`);



module.exports = Logger;

AI Utils



// src/utils/aiUtils.js


* This file contains utility functions to preprocess and postprocess data for AI models.



* Tokenizes a string into an array of integers representing character codes.

* @param {string} text - The text to tokenize.

* @returns {Array} - Array of character codes.


function tokenize(text) {

return Array.from(text).map(char => char.charCodeAt(0));



* Pads an array of tokens to a fixed length.

* @param {Array} tokens - The array of tokens to pad.

* @param {number} length - The desired length after padding.

* @returns {Array} - Padded array of tokens.


function pad(tokens, length = 500) {

if (tokens.length < length) {

return [...tokens, ...new Array(length - tokens.length).fill(0)];


return tokens.slice(0, length);



* Preprocesses text data to be used by AI models. This includes tokenization and padding.

* @param {string} text - The text to preprocess.

* @param {number} length - The desired length after padding.

* @returns {Array} - Preprocessed tensor for AI model input.


function preprocessTextForModel(text, length = 500) {

const tokens = tokenize(text);

const paddedTokens = pad(tokens, length);

return paddedTokens;



* Postprocesses the output from an AI model.

* @param {Array} modelOutput - The output from the model.

* @returns {string} - The interpreted output (e.g., detected vulnerabilities, classification result).


function postprocessModelOutput(modelOutput) {

// Example: For contract auditing, return the first detected issue

return modelOutput.length > 0 ? modelOutput[0] : 'No issues detected';


module.exports = {






Main Entry



// src/index.js

const Solana = require('./modules/solana');

const SPLToken = require('./modules/splToken');

const SmartContractAuditing = require('./modules/smartContractAuditing');

const FraudDetection = require('./modules/fraudDetection');

const DisputeResolution = require('./modules/disputeResolution');

const Rewards = require('./modules/rewards');

const Logger = require('./utils/logger');

(async () => {

try {

const solana = new Solana('devnet');

const solanaAccount = await solana.createAccount();

Logger.log(`Solana Account created: ${solanaAccount.publicKey.toString()}`);

const smartContractAuditing = new SmartContractAuditing('./models/contractAuditModel');

const auditResults = await smartContractAuditing.runAudit('./contracts/contract.sol');

Logger.log(`Smart Contract Audit Results: ${auditResults}`);

const fraudDetection = new FraudDetection('./models/fraudDetectionModel');

const fraudResults = await fraudDetection.monitorTransactions({

amount: 1200,

count: 3,

timeframe: 50


Logger.log(`Fraud Detection Results: ${fraudResults}`);

const disputeResolution = new DisputeResolution();

disputeResolution.createDispute(solanaAccount.publicKey, 'Dispute details here');

const resolution = disputeResolution.resolveDisputeWithVoting(1);


const rewards = new Rewards(solana, splToken);

const rewardMessage = await rewards.rewardWithSolana(solanaAccount.publicKey, 1);


} catch (err) {

Logger.error(`Error: ${err.message}`);






# Solana SDK dependencies

@solana/web3.js==1.27.0 # Solana Web3.js library to interact with the Solana blockchain

@solana/spl-token==0.1.1 # SPL Token library for managing Solana tokens

# Machine learning and AI dependencies

@tensorflow/tfjs-node==3.9.0 # TensorFlow.js for running machine learning models (smart contract auditing, fraud detection)

@huggingface/transformers==4.0.0 # Hugging Face Transformers for NLP-based dispute resolution

# Additional utility dependencies

dotenv==10.0.0 # For managing environment variables (e.g., for API keys or model paths)

Test Functionality

Copy our files, or download them from our GitHub repo to test the functionality yourself, or upload to chatgpt.com.